
Why do I bother?

It’s quite hard to write these blog posts. Sometimes an idea I have is strong enough to generate a readable piece. If I have a strong enough feeling for the subject, the structure flows out effortlessly. The pleasure of writing then makes magic and chemistry happen. I guess that’s what’s sustaining. 

Others, such as the Opera House piece take forever to write. I just know it’s something I need to articulate and sometimes in pushing too hard the writing becomes stilted, like with all of life that suffers from excess pushing. Pushing without it showing is the go.

I get a ‘buzz’ from posting something I’m pleased with. I watch to see whether readers have found the same pleasure, or not, from looking at the ‘traffic overview’. 

That pleasure is addictive and when the traffic slows and then stops I am motivated to make the effort again in order to achieve the same pleasure. 

Some blog posts I share with those I know, or suspect may have some interest, but I try not to pester my friends and acquaintances too much. 

I won’t advertise this piece for example. It’s a bit-navel gazing. In this instance writing it out provides sufficient pleasure to not require audience. 

When I’m not concerned with issues of state or art, when there is no prospect of changing the world for better, I keep those posts to myself, but post them anyway, if it makes sense to me. 

This addiction to maintaining a blog happens in the context of the demise of the blog as a preferred platform. I am somewhat out of date with persisting with it. 

Whatever it takes to feel ok, is what we do, and hope others are not damaged in the process.