Made in China

Thoughts on

The McClelland Sculpture Prize

In relation to


Looking at John McDonald's review of the McClelland Sculpture Prize in The Herald today, 31.1.15, I had these thoughts.

What's with this supermarket of sculptural identities displayed at The McClelland Sculpture Prize?

For all the diversity of products, they're all the same. Everything's made in China.

Who cares what all these sculptors think? Who cares what they make? These things they make from the things they think and like, are empty.

The sculptors promote themselves as individuals, as unique individuals. As individuals bleating out a particular song though, they will always bleat out the same fluff.

Fluff upon fluff. Enough!

Only by linking in with the chain of history will the sculptors have any hope of escape. Only by contributing to a discussion on sculpture, is progress possible. We need to scrape the individual away to get to the core. Attachment to the continuum of culture provides the only scope for a voice.

Sadly there is no cultural mechanism for identifying that focus here and now in history. There is only the culture of product.

Progress can only be made once the industry has been dismantled.

Good luck with that,


Note. There are exceptions to these generalisations. By mentioning them however, my argument would be weakened.