Re-siting Reflections

Reflections at Taylor Square 1990

This is Reflections, sited at Taylor Square in 1990, or thereabouts. The square has changed since then along with many things, but as the photograph shows, the sculpture enjoys some air and space around it.

My preference would be that the sculpture was re-sited here. Its positioning here was written up by the Herald at the time of its installation. The City of Sydney Sculpture Committee was set up out of the discussions that followed, so the siting here has some historic interest.

The work was well liked by the local community at the time. It was viewed, I am not sure how, as reflecting values held in Darlinghurst and Surry Hills.

The work in its current site at Kings Cross is essentially hidden. It cannot be viewed. An alternative site, (below), has a fine sandstone plinth, which is sadly too small by 100mm for the sculpture. At some expense a larger plinth could be made, to better accommodate the work. 

Corner of Stanley Street and Yurong Street, Darlinghurst

The work was moved from Taylor Square to Driver's Triangle, where it enjoyed an equally good spacious position however that space is now the entrance to the tunnel. When the work was purchased by South Sydney Council, as it was then, it was moved to its current location.

The work where it sits now often has syringes scattered around the base or a bicycle chained to it. Having spoken to locals it is not enjoyed here, even if it does bring some focus to the small square in which it sits. It perches somewhat uncomfortably on its too small plinth.

Reflections at Potts Point (current site)

The photograph above makes the work look better than it actually does. Being squeezed into the small square,  it does not have the space to exuberate, as it did in its siting at Taylor Square.

To quote a local resident, "That bloke's got an awful gut ache."

Having acquired the work it makes sense to show the work to its best advantage. I look forward to the sculpture finding a happier home.